Inventario 03: Everything Is A Project
January 2011
The key words in design method and precision can be seen in everything: an inventory is the most effective way of collecting, ordering and deciphering everything we encounter. Inventario is where this study finds a home, open to every form of expression and directed mainly at design. Issue 3 offers Roberto Marone on Erwin Wurm, Manolo De Giorgi and Michela Dossi on Inhabited walls, Matteo Pirola on Floors, Michele Calzavara on Thomas Heatherwick, Marco Meneguzzo and Renata Molho on Clothes as sculptures, Studio Formafantasma and Mischer Traxler, Giulio Iacchetti on Coffee Pots, Francesco Garutti on Absalon, Deborah Duva on Alison Smithson and much more.